SOC 313
Where is the best place for Ella?
Ella is an elderly lady with breast cancer, she is now in the last stages of the cancer an soon her life will be over. The social worker in this case must be able to determine the best care possible for this lady. Ella has a background of trusting only in natural remedies for ailments along with her husband John who is of Native American descent, and trust only in traditional methods for healing. When looking at only John and Ella’s viewpoints of health, the answer would be easy on how to care for this lady. However John and Ella have three children along with their spouses and four grandchildren, who all have their own ideas of how Ella should be cared for. Ella’s father also has to be considered for his thoughts on her care.
Even though modern medicine would prolong her life, Ella should be able to be where she wants to be when she dies. She would be happier and more comfortable in her last days if she were allowed to do what she wants to do, also she is not trusting of modern medicines and should not be forced to take them.
Now for this report, the social worker should go over the pros and cons of what Ella wants along with the pros and cons of what her family wants.
Ella should be able to be where she wants to be when she dies. People are happier and more at ease when they are in a familiar setting. It is well known that a person cannot be comfortable or rest very easily within a hospital setting. She is also not trusting of modern medicines and should not be forced to take them, all of her life she has been taught by her family to only trust in natural remedies for ailments. Her husband who is of Native American descent only trusts in traditional medicines so he too is not comfortable with her spending her last days in a place where she will have to take modern medicines. The most important reason Ella should be able to be where she wants to be when she dies is because she would
References: Advantage, H. (2011). Hospic Advantage. Retrieved from Hospic Advantage: Kaye, P. (n.d.). Hospice Education Institution. Retrieved from Hospice World: