Soccer now ranking third in girls’ sports, has become one of the most popular sports played by adolescents in America. (Shane Monaghan). Organized woman sports teams started in the nineteen-seventies and ever since the growth of soccer for females has dramatically increased. Although the women’s teams were mostly national or college level, it spiked the interests of many teens. The total number of American high school soccer players has more than doubled since the nineties (David Litterer). Because of America national soccer teams ranking highly, and video games like FIFA, Soccer has become one of the fastest growing sports in America (Matthias Kunz). Now there are over three million players between ages five and…
The next person I interviewed is Jesus Espendosa a 17 year old high school senior, told me why he loved soccer so much, “soccer is actually a lot of fun. You have more planning and you don’t get hurt as much as you think. In fact you have to be more flexible then powerful to play the game.” I asked him if he thought that his heritage liked football more than other sports and he said, “Yes, because it was the only sport we could really play when we lived in México, all my friends there play it too.” Jesus is very active, and has participated in many soccer games.…
Megan Greenwell in her article expresses her opinion on the following topic and gives some arguments in favor of having collegiate sports. In this article she is arguing about the connection between the grades various students are receiving and their involvement in collegiate sports events (football in this case). Her opinion on this kind of connection is clear and straightforward. She is describes the arguments for and against collegiate sports as “paternalistic and shortsighted.” The author is arguing with declaration given by a trio of economists which examine the relationship between a university’s success on the football…
I blame the government and the schools for our children not being as healthy and fit that they should be. More schools now make parents pay for any type of physical activity or school sport. Key word SCHOOL, now with less parents able to afford to pay for their child’s afterschool programs. It puts a whole damper on the idea of playing sports. Team sports also help children develop life changing skills like teamwork and conflict and problem solving. When I was in high school, my school district was not known to have much money, but every year of school from third grade until graduation, I was more than encouraged to participate in a sport. My parents didn’t have to pay for anything. It’s so sad how kids today have nothing athletic going on. The few kids who do want to better themselves are then placed under more pressure because it cost money. They can’t just play sports to have fun anymore. I rather coach a team of ten-year old’s with no side coaching or special training than a mix of those who do and those who don’t. Raw talent is now being manipulated. If it were free then I would not argue this. I find myself asking my daughter “I hope you really want to play soccer because it’s not free” I wish I could say “Sure try it out, and…
1. According to the twelfth edition of Sports in Society by Jay Coakley, “"Generalizing about high school and college sport programs is difficult because programs and the conditions under which participation occurs are so diverse” (Coakley, 476). However, there are definitely some broad, widespread issues that are found within the majority of high school sports programs. The textbook offers a plethora of claims against interscholastic sports, and one that stood out to was the claim that highlighted the pressure that interscholastic sports place on student-athletes. Unlike club sports, high school sports practice for over 2 hours every day after school and have games on weeknights, leaving little time to prepare for exams and to get homework done.…
used to show how Americans put a greater emphasis on sports than we do on…
Soccer attracts kids of all athletic. According to LaBella a doctor in an emergency room most of the injuries she treats is kids that didn’t have the athletic capability to play soccer. LaBella said that most kids just wanted to be with their friend. Some kids lack the needed training to play soccer.…
So there is a history of soccer in America, one that is interconnected with the lives of working-class people, but it remains for the most part undocumented. With the new interest in social and working-class history, perhaps soccer's link with its ethnic roots will unfold.…
Most schools are oblivious to their expenses. And in this day and age, the costs are rising. In paragraph five, Paul Sullivan of The New York Times emphasizes in The Rising Cost of Youth Sports, “Spending on sports has grown so high-up to 10.5 percent of gross income-that it is hurting family harmony.” The evidence shows how budgets have forced districts and parents to reconsider one of time's most beloved activities. Which is one hundred percent a good thing. The rising in costs take away from other activities. Schools also misuse fundings on sports. Overpaying for the best field, up to date equipment, and overpaid trainers is a huge waste of money. Superintendent Rob Van Maren from the Chieftain announced at a board meeting that the cost of new bleachers would be around $380,000. Over a third of a million dollars used for cold metal seats? That type of money could go elsewhere. TheU.S Census Bureau stated, “ Fifty seven percent of students participate in at least one after school extracurricular activity,” They also said that more than half of those students is doing a sport. What about clubs? The evidence points to how little students are involved in a club. Instead of spending all their cash on sports, use it to benefit activities such as drama, or chess club. Not everything needs to be about sports. The price tag that comes with a sport is a big one, which is why schools need to kick athletics…
In today’s society, most students are focused on sports, more than school, which is a kind of a…
In a recent article on Forbes, Mark J. Burn explains how Major League Soccer has entered a new height in American sports. MLS revenue, attendance, social media, television ratings, and net worth of clubs have set a new threshold for the league. American sports are no longer four major leagues, but five. It is fantastic that every measure of growth in Major League Soccer is actually growing, but one thing is missing and it can’t be measured on a graph. A super star.…
We want to get more kids to play sports that they like at school. A lot of kids don't play sports for their school, because they don't have the sports they like, and have interest in and maybe don't have enough equipment to play. Some schools don’t have enough money to pay for the sport and for equipment for kids to wear. Equipment is very…
Sports are traced back to 760 B.C. and are still a big part of society’s entertainment today. In today’s world, everyone wants to be the best at sports and will do anything to accomplish that, which is exactly what athletic programs all around the world are doing. High school athletic programs are now an all year type of thing, a famous quote said i“there is no off-season”. Athletes are being pushed to be in one sport all year long, instead of multiple sports per year. Pushing one sport is taking place so skills can be practiced continuously.…
The emergence, growth, and current state of youth and college sports in the United States have been subject to many things, but two of the most influential and definitive conditions of these stages are the social and economic factors.…
Some kids in middle school don’t play sports at all and are missing out on all the fun of sports. ”And soccer is a good way to get strong muscles, bones, and joints. ’’(sports participation as predictors of participation in sports and physical fitness activities in young adulthood)(Perkins,2014) Not only that instead of going home after school, you are out on the field running, sweating, and increasing your strength and stamina. This is not my only reason, if you want to know more on why we should have a middle school soccer team…