Living in a society which is filled with people of different ethnicities, personalities, and values has led to many changes. Some of these changes have been positive while others have led to confused and discomfort in others. Change has become possible in this society, but it hasn’t been easy for everyone. Society has been so conformed to a standard on how others are supposed to act, that people have been confused and have misinterpreted this idea by of others. This misinterpretation is sexuality. Sexuality has been defined in society as heterosexual, straight, the “norm”, the right way to live life, and all of ideas are not true. Sexuality is a unique way of living that should be determine by you and not influenced by others in society. The course gender and sexuality study has taught me that. It has taught me that you do not have to always conform or judge others based on sexuality. It has opened up a range of ideas and values that I have never taught to discover before. The most informed information which has grasped my intention in this course is the idea behind sexuality. That sexuality discovery is unique and you can have multiple values within one. Society should not discover who you are or who you want to be. Sexuality is not just physical as society determines it, but instead it is evoked by involvement and emotions.…