Please write a two-page research paper on one of the social or ethical issues in computing topics below. You should use at least two sources for your research topic. This is a research assignment and you are expected to provide a substantive, fact-filled paper. Please read the paper specifications carefully.
Be sure to use parenthetical documentation or footnotes to fully document ideas that are not your own and be sure to attach a 'List of Works Cited ' including all URL 's used to research the topic. MLA standards are documented below.
1) Trace the events in the Napster case. Be sure to include recent events at Napster over the last several years.
2) The Digital Divide is the disparity between the information "haves" and the information "have-nots". Discuss the current state of the Digital Divide. What is it and what are its global implications?
One online site that may help is:
3) Email Privacy: Research email privacy and present at least one argument for and one argument against the following:
As an employee of a company, that company has a right to monitor(and read) all email correspondence that takes place through the company’s server.
One online site that may help is:
4) Email Privacy: Research email privacy and present at least one argument for and one argument against the following:
In the interest of law enforcement and national security, governmental agencies and law enforcement should have the right to read your email?
One online site that may help is:
5) Medical Database Privacy: Read the online chapter from Database Nation–"To Know Your Future" located at:
Briefly summarize the article. Can you propose any
Citations: or Footnotes: Direct quotes and paraphrases should be documented within the paper indicating where your information came from. Please use either footnotes or parenthetical citations. (See IMPORTANT NOTE: College policies with respect to academic honesty will be adhered to strictly. The work you do on this paper must be uniquely your own and instances of plagiarism are remarkably easy to detect. Be sure to phrase ideas in your own words and give credit to outside facts and sources via the documentation guidelines above. Anyone submitting plagiarized material will receive an 'F ' on the assignment!