In the beginning of this time period, there was an unmarried woman on the throne in England; she was Queen Elizabeth. Descended from royalty, this was the first time England had ever had a woman rule her people. Yet even with this remarkable step for women, the roles of women in society were still very much limited. Elizabethan England had very clear-cut expectations of men and women; men were expected to support the household, and women were expected to take care of domestic chores. Across the Atlantic Ocean, the colonies in North America were very much the same.…
Social classes fits into the thematic learning objective Development and Transformation of Social Structures (SOC) because all areas of the world in 1450-1750 were functioning under some kind of social or economic class. In the west, there were more opportunities for jobs. Southern and Eastern Asia also saw a continuation in the Caste System and the scholarly dominance. Social hierarchies and identities changed The Spanish conquest of the New World and establishment of profitable colonies led to a restructuring of the social order Between 1492 and 1750, the Spanish created settlements along the coasts of Central and South America, each growing profitable crops or mining for precious metals While these colonies initially grew on Native American…
During the Elizabethan Age, there were social classes that consisted of the upper, middle, and lower class. Each social class’ wardrobe depended on the Sumptuary Laws. The Sumptuary Laws were a set of restrictions that were placed, depending on the social class, to regulate luxury and extravagance. As a result of the Sumptuary Laws in the Elizabethan Age, each social class had a limit on what type of clothing could be worn.…
During the Elizabethan times, there were strict rules on what a person could or could not wear. These rules were based off a person's social and economic standing. These laws were called English Sumptuary laws . If violated, a person could lose land, be fined, lose their title, or even their life (Elizabethan sumptuary laws). The upper class was able to wear the most loquacious and elegant colors and designs. The trimming of cloaks, robes, and dresses were also assigned to…
The Elizabethan government was a monarchy. Cities and towns had various officials to control matters (Thomas). The prince could do anything within his guidelines. Natural law was morals and natural sins. Personal ruler ship is power in war and enforcing laws. Humanism was the main form of government for hundreds of years in England (Collins). The Nobility and Gentry aided the monarch in ruling parts of Europe…
During the Elizabethan times there were many different types of food that were being discovered and also evolving. What you ate was based on your social class. If you were poor you ate the simple foods and when you were rich you ate luxury items. Feasts were held during these times to celebrate and to drink or eat as much as they could. The common foods that people ate were bread, meat, seafood, and fruit. All of these foods had different types of specifics about them. These people had to learn how to find the food, make the food, and eat the food. We now know they played an important role in the food world of today.…
Elizabethan England was split into two classes - the Upper Class, the nobility and courtiers, and everyone else! Punishment would vary according to class. The Upper class were well educated, wealthy and associated with Royalty and high members of the clergy. They would often become involved in Political intrigue and matters of Religion. The nobility could therefore become involved in crime which were not shared by other people. Just being accused of one of the serious crimes could well result in torture. A Defendant's chances in receiving any acquittal in court extremely slim. Trials were designed in the favour of the prosecutors and defendants accused any of the following crimes were not even allowed legal counsel! The most common crimes of the Nobility included:…
Although segregation and uniformity dominated the societal values of the South during the antebellum era, one of the defining characteristics which surfaced during this time period for the predominately white society is that of diversity. Due to a variety of factors including a wide economic divide, mixed political views, and differing attitudes toward the controversial issue of slavery, the class system of the white South could be divided into four social groups. These social groups consisted of the planters, small slaveholders, yeoman, and the people of the pine barrens. The standard of living between these four groups varied wildly, and the core values that each of these classes held reflected the diverse abyss which shaped the white social structure.…
Both during the Medieval ages and Renaissance a social hierarchy existed. During the Medieval Ages there were four main classes, Lords, Nobles, Knights and Serfs. Lords were the rich elites who owned the manor. They appointed Nobles who would tend to matters within the manor and take care of it in their absence, since they often owned multiple manors. Knights were below nobles and were in charge of protecting the Lords, Nobles, and Serfs from Nomadic invasions. Serfs were the lowest of all classes within the manors. Serfs were peasants who were bound to the land; they lived off of the land that was supplied to them by the lord. They often lived in shakes that were on the fields and were never allowed to enter the castle. Although they did not enjoy Peasantry life they were willing to except it in order to receive protection. During Renaissance, the social structure changed completely from that of feudalism. This is partially because of the bubonic plague; also called the "Black Death"…
In the Elizabethan era, women were dominated by men. Women had to obey every rule and order a man gives. Disobedience was a crime against their religion. They are expected to do the house chores, marry and have children. There was no school for girls in Elizabethan era, therefore women doesn’t have respectable jobs and have no status. Marriage is a way…
How often do you see female prime ministers, househusbands, or lady soldiers? Although there are a larger variety of jobs and characteristics both men and women can possess in these modern times, gender inequality thrived in the Elizabethan era. Men were seen as the leaders who were brave and subject to war, whereas women were portrayed as their usual quiet self who are usually unable or not supposed to interfere with their husbands' affairs. Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, employs the use of conventions to portray female characters as more dominant and controlling compared to males, challenging the naturalised notions of masculinity and femininity.…
aspects of the Elizabethan era. One of the most important factors of this era was social…
During the Renaissance, you were born into a social classes. Above everyone else is the Pope/Church. At the top of the social class were the monarchs and then nobles. Towards the middle were the knights, vassals, merchants, farmers, and craftsmen. At the the was bottom of the social class are the peasants and serfs. You could not change what social class you are in.…
"The upper class women of the Elizabethan Era were very dependent on using their male relatives to help support them." The women were dependent on the men because men were support them. Only the men had gone to school so there wasn't any schools for girls.The Elizabethan women had been tutored at home because there were no schools for girls. Women also weren't allowed to enter University because there wasn't schools for women yet. The women didn't have the privileges that men had. For instance, unless the women were royalty, they could not be heirs to their father's title because it's not right." Women also could not vote and they weren't allowed to participate in politics, there weren't any women in the Army or Navy during Elizabethan Age."…
During the Elizabethan era men were all-powerful. Women had few rights and were expected to obey men. Elizabethan women totally relied on the male members of the family. Society and the culture of England was changing. The convents had been closed. The number of poor was increasing and people were far less charitable. Old, poor, unprotected women needed to be supported - and this was resented by other Elizabethans. Access to doctors and medicines was minimal. Women were expected to produce cures for most ailments as part of their house keeping.…