The first class passengers on the Titanic were living in the lap of luxury. Some of the richest people in the world …show more content…
Many of those travelling third class or steerage was emigrants travelling to the United States from Ireland and Scandinavia (The Titanic-Third). There were a total of 706 third class passengers aboard the Titanic.
Only 178 passengers survived (The Titanic-Third). Third class passengers were the last to be offered a spot. These passengers were the most discriminated against.
The majority of passengers were third class because a third class ticket was more affordable, costing between 3 and 8 pounds which averages about $7.85 (The Titanic- Third). A third class suite was still no small sum of money either. Only two bathtubs were available for all 710 third-class passengers, one for the men and one for the women (Suites).
Many passengers aboard the Titanic were decimated upon according to which social class they were a part of. "I can never understand why God would have spared a poor Finnish girl when all those rich people drowned. (Anna Turja Lundi)" How many passengers, survivors, and tickets bought depended on what social class you were part of and how much money you