Social Cognitive Theory Application Report
a. Description of your theory
Originally coined from the social learning theory, the social cognitive theory (SCT), evolved to better suit the knowledge of the time of “human information processing capacities”, and “biases that influence learning from experience, observation, and symbolic communication.” SCT can be divided into five sub-category constructs, which group the key concepts.
(a) Psychological Determinants of Behavior: This key construct is characterized by various determinants that influence ones behavior. Outcome expectations are how apt one is to actually performing the behavior, and the repercussions that ensue.
Self-Efficacy is a concept we’ve seen numerous times with other theories this semester, which is ones personal ability to face the behavior, and that applies to a group when in reference to collective efficacy.
(b) Observational Learning: This construct deals with how exposure to certain behaviors such as smoking, or binge drinking on television, or others who are directly around you i.e. (parents, peers) affects you. “Monkey see, Monkey do.”
(c) Environmental Determinants: Incentive motivation is a reward/punishment system that’s used to promote or demote the performance of behaviors. If the negative behavior is done, punishments are enforced. The opposite is true, and rewarded for positive behaviors or actions.
Facilitation is using anything available to you to help ease the process of changing a behavior. An example can be an environmental change, such as removing an ashtray, a common used tool for smokers. The removal of bottle openers also makes it more difficult to open bottles of wine, to cease drinking alcohol.
(d) Self-regulation: Is the ability to monitor one’s self in a way that makes your behavioral change a success. Setting goals or milestones is one of the most effective ways to cease or promote behavior. Policing yourself results in good self-esteem,