The person — a being not only biological, but also social. The child deprived of the social environment, can't become the full-fledged person, it doesn't seize speech, has no idea of rules of social behavior. As the person lives in society, he has to submit to its laws and react to the changes happening in social life.
From all social factors a family — main. Its influence on a condition of mental health is traced at any age. But it has special value for the child, for formation of its character, behavior stereotypes in various situations.
Unstable frosty relations in a family, cruelty manifestation first of all affect on mental health of the child. It is explained by fragility of its mentality, immaturity of emotions and rough response to negative events. If the child isn't able to cope with a situation, at him behavioural violations start appearing, stereotypic pathological reaction to a stress which in the subsequent, in an adult condition, will turn back neurotic or psychopathic development of the personality, aggression, various psychosomatic diseases is formed.
Other pathogenic factor for mental development of the child is the situation of a social deprivation caused by dissonance in a family, loss of close people or separation from them. The social deprivation leads to a delay of intellectual development, emotional violations in the form of depressions, to emotional coldness, decrease in will, an istoshchayemost of the incentive motives, the increased suggestibility, violations in the communication sphere. Such children are easily involved in antisocial and criminal groups, are inclined to toxicomanias,