Certain health disparities vary as gender, ethnicity and income are considered (Skolnik, 2012). Many women are discriminated against in healthcare facilities, where females are not allowed to hold a powerful position …show more content…
This conference also focused on the need for multiple countries to cooperate in promoting health equity that has previously been ignored (World Health Organization, 2012). Another day at the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health explained the obstacles with funding national health inequities such as financial crisis, corrupted politics, and unemployment (World Health Organization, 2012).
After reading all of this, I have hopes for a world that is as focused on the health of the humans that inhabit it's surface. I hope that organizations in the future will recognize the current inequalities that exist in health care, and decide to work on closing the gaps of disparity for generations of equitable global health.
Marmot, M. (2005). Social determinants of health inequalities. Lancet 2005;, 365, 1099-1004. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/social_determinants/strategy/Marmot-Social%20determinants%20of%20health%20inqualities.pdf
Skolnik, R. (2012). Health, Education, Poverty, and the Economy. In R. Riegelman (Ed.), Global health 101. Burlington. MA: Jones & Barlett.
World Health Organization. (2012) Summary report world conference on social determinants of health. Retrieved from