
Social Differences Between Egypt And Mesopotamian Civilization

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Fertile Crescent Alongside Mesopotamia, grew a second civilization along the Nile River. The Egyptian civilization, by 3000 BC their civilization had formed. Mesopotamia benefited the ancient Egyptian civilization by trade and technological influence but their societies formed a different society and cultural structure. From its origins to its decline Egyptian civilization was focused on the Nile River and the deserts around it. More is known about Egypt because of its values, political organization and the encouragement to build monumental structures. Even though Mesopotamia was richer in heritage less is known about it.
The differences between Egypt and Mesopotamia were in many ways attributed to the different level of exposure to
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The Mesopotamian civilization was more productive in technological improvements due to the fact that their surroundings were more difficult to manage than that of the Nile valley. The Mesopotamians gave attention to the merchant class and commercial law and their trade contacts were more extensive than Egypt’s.
The Social differences between the two civilizations were less obvious due to the fact that it is difficult to obtain information on the daily life of early civilizations. It is likely that the status of women was greater in Egypt than in Mesopotamia. Egyptians paid great respect to women especially if they belonged to the upper classes of Egypt, mostly due to the idea that marriage alliances were vital to the stability and preservation of the monarchy. Moreover, Egyptian religion included a more evident regard towards goddesses as a basis of
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The rights of women in Mesopotamia were not equal to those of men, but Mesopotamian woman had privileges and laws that protected them. Social structure defined women in relation to their families, women of high status such as priestesses and members of royal families, learned to read and write. Women from rich and powerful families or of Royal blood enjoyed a greater degree of personal independence, but society did not view women as an self-governing individual. The women of Mesopotamia could not inherit their husband 's estate if there were suitable male heirs. The women did not often work outside of the house, it was up to them to had to care for their homes, but higher ranking women did have the opportunity to acquire a position in government, in a business, as a priestess or within a military establishment. While low status women had to work the land, look after the house, animals and children. Some women, however, did hold jobs selling wares they had created or worked as tavern keepers. It was only during the 18th century with the introduction of the Code of Hammurabi, that women were given the ability to divorce and own property but only under certain circumstances.
Ancient Mesopotamian civilization considered women ready for a family-arranged marriage soon after they reached puberty. Mesopotamian women married into their husbands ' families and the groom 's father exercised a great amount of power

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