Chon Chan
Northern Lights College
English 100
“Marks on Skin” Social Discrimination against Tattoos
“80 percent of your appearance just reflect the 20 percent of who you are” – T.O.T.
In 2006, the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology did a study and found that 24% of Americans aged 18 - 50 have tattoos (Roddy 2010). That number has surely raised his popularity over the past four years as tattoos are even more commonly seen on rock stars and actors. According to, “tattoos” has been the number one top searched beauty word since the year 2003(Harris, …show more content…
Accordingly, this essay will focus on social discrimination against the tattoo. First I will briefly outline the history of the tattoo. Second, I will show how society has discriminated against people with tattoos in their work place and public places. Third, I will discuss why people get tattoos. Fourth, I will show the opinion of people in different occupations concerning tattoos and the people who have them. My primary sources will include magazine and newspaper articles, personal interviews, social media, personal experience and academic …show more content…
The word tattoo comes from the Tahitian word tattau, which means "to mark,” and was first mentioned by the explorer James Cook in his 1769 South Pacific expedition record. In 1991, on the border of Australia and Italy, the body of a men petrified in ice was found with over 50 tattoos on his body. Scientist believes that the tattoo was a very common body mark for the people of his time, around 5000 years ago . Tattooing has been a big part of the Pacific Island cultures since the first island communities arose. Even though there are several version of the origin of these traditions, the tattoo for the islander was a unique mark that represents his role in his