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References: About Intelligence. (2009). What is Social Intelligence. Retrieved 2 August 2009, from Butler, G. (2007). The Impact of Social Intelligence. Retrieved 2 August 2009, from Cavelzani, A., Esposito, M., & Villamira, M. (2009). Emotional Intelligence and Hotel Business. Retrieved 2 August 2009, from Cherniss, C. (2000, April 15). Emotional Intelligence: What it is and why it matters. Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organisations , 1-14. Goleman, D. (2006). What is Social Intelligence. Greater Good , 44. Reece, B., & Brandt, R. (2006). Human Relations: Principles and Practices. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Scott-Halsell, S. (2006). Emotional Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry: A Comparison Study. Retrieved 2 August 2009, from;jsessionid=7028D715559CAA048896BCFA822E0B25?sequence=1 Sternberg, R. (2000). Handbook of Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press . Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., & Roberts, R. (2009). What We Know About Emotional Intelligence. London: Massachusetts Institute of Techology