Our family of origin (FoO) is recognized as our first social group we belonged to. FoO and the order of birth influences our values, behaviors and beliefs. The family group teaches us how to communicate, for good or bad. FoO helps to develop a sense of identity and sense of self. The family shapes how we deal with emotions and feelings as we try to get our need met (Taylor, 2008). Ultimately, the birth order and our first social group influences who we …show more content…
The loss of my dad sparked an overwhelming feeling to be with others who have experienced loss. The grief group was co-facilitated by Wendy who is a nurse facilitator and Barb who is a social worker. The groups are bi-weekly and are 1½ hour in length with about 10-12 actively attending members. Attending this support group was tremendously challenging and sometimes still is. Wendy and Barb were extremely welcoming to new members. At every meeting, each member takes a turn introducing themselves shares who they have lost. Next, we watch a video series called Understanding Grief, by Bill Webster. The video series discusses a particular topic such as anger, loneliness, guilt and adjustment. which are used to generate group conversation for the remainder of the time. This is the format for each meeting, which is comforting to know the