Utilitarianism (the greatest good for the greatest number) , this is what we are the most familiar with to our surprise. In the world of ethics many people will argue that there is only one way to go.
Reading for Monday 10/15/2012 Seaman Holmes, Ursula LeGuin
Reading for Wednesday 10/17/2012 Nielson Williams
What determines the value of a good? Our society tends to argue the two; quality vs. quantity. You cannot have both. Try yourself to pick one theory and try to live your life by it..
Inconsistency can be a problem with values.
Is it important to be consistent in determining ones values?
In utilitarianism it is a very simple doctrine. The rightness or wrongness of actions is determined by the goodness or badness of the consequences of those actions. Referred to as the “greatest happiness theory.”
Egoistic vs. Non-egoistic
Hedonism, a school of thought where a person is pursuing pleasure, or pleasantness. It could be nothing extreme, because extreme pain would lead to extreme pain. The ideal view is intellectual and not just physical. The pursuit of pleasure in moderation, and comes to one intellectually. (as seen by the greeks) philosophical pleasure.
Ideal Utilitarianism, goodness or badness depends on other things then pleasantness. Experiencing beauty and knowledge come into play when trying to determine the right or wrong thing to do. Its not just looking at it for the pleasure sake
Social Hedonism, tend to be Utilitarians. They are motivated to create the greatest pleasure for the greatest number. Quality of pleasure or quantity of pleasure? Some would argue that producing pleasure for 1/3 and not 2/3 that the greatest pleasure would go in favor of the 1/3 and not the majority. Again either quantity or quality.
Bentham is quantity (Benton has t’s in his name)
Mill is quality (Mill has l’ in his