Chapter 2 1. The chapter begins by explaining in detail what the bunkhouse is; it’s a long rectangular building with whitewashed walls and small square windows. 2. Against the walls were eight bunks and over each bunk there was a box nailed on it so that each one can have its belongings in it, like soap, razors, powder, etc. 3. Then came an old man and opened the door and showed George and Lennie the place, he’s a man without an arm and with his stick like arm pointed the two bunks.…
The book 'Of Mice and Men' mainly illustrates the ranch life of Lennie and George and the conflicts between Lennie and other workers. The author uses details of their experience to demonstrate the helplessness and the powerlessness of the victims of the Great Depression and the falsity of American dream.…
From the early 1900’s, society has strictly judged people by the way they look or where they come from. We still see this act of judgement re-occur in this day and age, unfortunately. In the novella Of Mice and Men, we clearly see the cruel conditions and situations that occurred during the Great Depression. This fantastic novel showcases the lives of two migrant workers, George and Lennie, who struggle to find a job and the stereotypical judgements of Lennie who is mentally disabled. In their journey, this novella introduces many other archetypes for the minorities of that time period, including women, colored people, and the elderly. John Steinbeck shows his expertise of crucial literary devices like allusion, archetype, and foreshadowing to show how humans will treat specific categories of people that have disabilities that in the end affect their hopes and dreams in life.…
Needs. Being a self-sufficient man who is probably seasoned in wilderness hunting or other skills needed to survive in the untamed world back then in 20th century America. Although the outdoors wasn’t exactly safe, it wasn’t exactly dangerous either. You could camp out and live there without much worry, and there were plenty of berries, game, mushrooms, and other sources of food as well. However, George’s safety needs are not even existent; evident by the fact of him possessing three dollars. He does hold a good relationship with Lennie, so there isn’t much trouble there. George is just a run-of-the-mill worker, and the people he meets while at his new source of employment see him as such. He has nothing to be psyched about. With Lennie, as he evidently says constantly in the story, he could do a lot better off without him. Lennie on the hand, lacks tangibility in all categories of this triangle of sorts. He needs George, is often picked on and acknowledges it. Although a very good worker (and proven), he is incapable of making his own decisions truly and does not function well in society. Lennie has no idea what he’d want to be. In the sense of other characters, some vary often. For example, Slim is a very skilled skinner and he is a huge part of the ranch they are working at; nearly irreplaceable. Candy, on the other hand, is very dispensable. He is past his prime wildly, basically handicapped, and is a train wreck after his old dog is put down by Carlson. The other people in the camp are regulars; they are the bulk of the ranch so they wouldn’t necessarily be dismissed quickly, and can take little parts in these sections of the triangle.…
The book Of Mice and Men was written by John Steinbeck and takes place during the Great Depression. Throughout the book we follow the two main characters, George and Lennie. George is shown to have much power over Lennie. These two and many other characters struggle with obtaining, holding, or keeping “under control” the amount of power they have or want. In Steinbeck's novel, the theme that seems to be most present is that, although people seek power, they often misuse it after obtaining it.…
Women like Curley’s wife were looked as possessions to be owned, who were void of feeling, and could not feel the effects of loneliness. African Americans like Crooks were discriminated against and left unincluded, on account of the color of their skin. “I could get you strung up on a tree so fast it ain’t even funny” (Steinbeck 81). Crooks is berated with threats from Curley’s wife and derogatory language from other workers on the ranch. “A lifelong victim of segregation of social ostracisms, Crooks lives in constant fear of inadvertently breaking society’s ridgid taboos” (Bloom). The rigidness of society in 1930’s drives Crooks to distance himself from others and, Curley’s wife to seek company with others. Steinbeck uses these thematic ideas to depict the difficulty of social life for some of those when lived in the 1930’s to the…
Social classes or social stratification in sociology is a concept involving classification of people into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions a relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political, race and ideological dimensions. When differences lead to greater status, power or privilege for some groups over the other it is called Social Stratification. It is a…
The social hierarchy is a key part to the wickedness of mankind. This is a major part of the “The Overcoat” plot. Before obtaining the new overcoat, the main character Akaky Akakievich, is bullied in his work place for his poorly made overcoat: ”The young clerks laughed at him and made fun of him” (Gogol…
Class is a significant force in all societies, understanding class is crucial if we are to see how groups of people within our society have different experiences. Social stratification refers to the way society is organised within hierarchical layers (Furze,…
John Steinbeck uses the convention of Character, supported with techniques of conflict, dialogue, foreshadowing, symbolism and tone. This encourages the reader to respond to the themes of Friendship and Loyalty, Loneliness and Prejudice; and lastly Feminism. These are all found in this setting of the Great Depression, directing the reader to find the deeper meaning behind each of these themes, by making it easier to relate to, making the novella come alive, revealed through the use of Steinbeck’s chosen characters in this tragic novella Of Mice and Men.…
In todays society, gender and race play a big role in these modern times. This problem is mainly affected towards Hispanics and African Americans because they can 't get a job just cause of their ethnicity. When people think of Latinos or African Americans, the first thought is lazy, but in actuality they work for their pay just like everyone else would. The book Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck is a perfect example of these situations. Power is another major issue at hand in the story and in life because power is limited on how it is used. Curley, Curley 's wife and Crooks have their own power to what they own but because of their Gender and Ethnicity, they have their own privileges.…
In "Of Mice and Men," John Steinbeck utilizes his prevailing themes of friendship and loneliness, through his deep characterization and interconnection between George and Lenny, in order to illustrate glamorized desire of "the American dream."…
Friendship is something that everyone searches for, and George and Lennie have that. In the book of mice and men, the thing that made their friendship so great was that they took care of one another, they supported each other in striving for their dream, and that they make sacrifices for each other. George and Lennie’s relationship shows us the true meaning of friendship.…
In our society today, social class and stratification both play huge roles in how individuals and groups alike interact and function amongst each another. According to Parrillo, social stratification is the hierarchical classification of the members of society based on the unequal distribution of resources, power and prestige. (Parrillo, 2012) Parrillo illustrates the term social class by stating, it designates people’s place in the stratification hierarchy, identifying those in each grouping who share similar levels of income, status, property, power and types of lifestyle.… defines social class as “a broad group in society having common economic, cultural, or political status.” Despite having its advantages, social class has many faults. It can contaminate our minds and make us think class and money are all that matters. Social class has changed a lot over the years, and it is still present today. While some want to be in a higher class because they want more money, others just want to achieve fame and recognition. The class system creates a world where the upper class interacts with the upper class, the middle with the middle, and the lower with the lower. Social class has been evident in history for many centuries, modern culture, and our everyday lives.…