Social Inequality
Spring 2014
Exam 1 – Short Answer
Please separate your short answer and essay responses, i.e., when you begin the essay portion of the exam, start on a new page. Be certain to place your name in the header of each page so that any pages separated from the others may be identified.
Instructions. Unless otherwise arranged, you will have until class on February 21 to turn in this exam. Late exams will be penalized one letter grade for each day past the due date. Respond to ten of the following items. The specific question being answered should be clearly indicated at the beginning of each response. Each will count as a maximum of 6 points toward your exam grade. Please answer each item as clearly and fully as possible. Answers should be typed and double-spaced. Though clarity is essential, responses should be concise.
1. How does Marx explain the basis of profit, and how does that differ from the usual understanding?
2. What does it mean to argue that inequality is rooted in active mechanisms of oppression and exploitation as well as passive mechanisms of system maintenance?
3. In what way can one argue that the bourgeoisie is a revolutionary class in more than one sense in Marx’s theory of classes?
4. Distinguish between Marxian class and Weberian class.
5. Give two examples that make it clear that class and status, though related, are distinct dimensions of inequality.
6. How is class consciousness understood in the distinction between a class “of itself” (Klasse an sich) and a class “for itself” (Klasse fur sich)?
7. What, according to Marx, is species being, and how does capitalism both alienate us from it and finally bring us closest to it?
8. Why was Weber so concerned with subjective awareness of class interests?
9. How did Weber’s analysis of class contribute to the effort to disaggregate class?
10. How does World Systems Theory argue for a distinct vision of class