Our decision-making might change as a consequence of interacting with a single individual or a group of people. We tend to have same opinion with others when we are in a group. An experiment about the effect of social influence was conducted. 563 participants were asked to recall how many medals Australia got in Sydney Olympics 2000. Participants were given ¡¥Low¡¦ (50%), ¡¥Accurate¡¦ or ¡¥High¡¦ (150%) examples. Result shows that participants tend to be influenced by examples given to them. Participants who were given ¡¥Low¡¦ examples had lower answers than those given ¡¥Accurate¡¦ examples while participants given ¡¥High¡¦ examples had higher answers than those given ¡¥Accurate¡¦ examples.
In our daily life, can we ignore to everyone and only do the things that you thought? Absoulty not. There are so many things in our life are affected by the presence of others. For example, after having a Biology multiple choices questions, all your friends said the answer of the first question is B where your answer is C, are u still sure your answer is correct? Social psychologists call these kinds of human behavior as Social Inference. Our attitudes, belief, decisions and actions will be affected by the power of social inference. Conformity is one kind of social inference which to adjust one¡¦s behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard.
Chartand and Bargh demonstrated the effect of conformity when they had students work in a room alongside someone- a confederate working for the experimenter- who rubbed his or her face and, on another occasion, alongside a confederate who shook his or her foot. In this experiment, participants tended to rub their own face when with the face-rubbing person and shake their own foot with the foot-shaking person.
Also, Solomon Asch devised a simple test in 1955. Participants were taken to a room where five people were already seated. The experimenter gave the