
Social Issues During The French Revolution

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Social Issues During The French Revolution
During the French Revolution many issues caused hard times for the French people. The French revolution was a hard time to live in. The King spent money poorly and taxes were unfair for each class. Many social issues arose along with huge death tolls. This was an unbelievably hard time for the French and is a very important part of their history, ending monarchy in France ("French Revolution"). The book A Tale of Two Cities is a good example of this.
The common people and or the third estate of France had been unhappy with how their lives were for most of the 18th century. The King before Louis XVI had left the country in bankruptcy and Louis XVI just kept spending, making taxes harder and harder on the lowest class. Louis XVI had been planning
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Rioters attacked Bastille for weaponry and this date is now seen as a national holiday. Tensions continued to rise and people began to riot as well, burning down tax collectors and people of local power's homes. April 1792 France declared war on Prussia and Austria but with their focus on the other counties on August 10th 1792 the royal palace was attacked by extremists led by a man called Jacobins and Louis XVI was arrested. Louis XVI was sentenced to death for treason and crimes against the state on January 21st 1793 by guillotine, his wife Marie-Antoinette follow nine months later. As the situation continued to get worse after the king's death Jacobins soon took over the government. His leadership soon brought around what is known as the reign of terror. Anyone suspected to be against him was executed ("French Revolution"). Many nobles, clergy or anyone in the upper two classes fled the country in fear of being executed or laid low, hiding their wealth and selling their clothes and jewels. (Hutchinson) Thousands were killed by head of public safety, Robespierre, he was executed on July 28th 1794 marking the end of the reign of terror. A new form of government called the Directory was made and established in 1795 and led the country for four years until it was abolished by a coup led by the French army's general Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon took control of the government on …show more content…
France was put through a drought, cattle disease and poor harvests. Many if not most people were starving in because the lack of food and the high prices of bread which skyrocketed from the lack of wheat (French Revolution). Also during this time France was close to bankrupt from their past king before king Louis XVI took the throne. High taxes were set upon the lower and middle class because nobility and clergy were exempt from these parts of citizenship, making the people with the least money have to pay the most. This drove many to robbery, prostitution, murder and any means of living, while still teetering close to homelessness if not already on the streets

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