Australian GM crop production is increasing continuously. Australian has had the largest proportion GM crops in the world. Risks posed by GM trials on Australian’s health, economy and environment are rapidly spreading. In order to gain commercial benefits, the research development of Genetically Modified (GM) food in Australia is conducted by biotech corporations. Consumers, farmers, the environment and the economy are all affected by GM food.
Target audience
The target audience of this campaign might be younger people, positive people, passive people with low income belonging to a lower class and people who may be ignorant about GM food. So, Gene ethics is targeting them then running a campaign to inform and educate them about the dangers of GM food.
Gene ethics know about the dangers of GM food, and being that they are working hard to ban GM food. Gene ethics aims to create a more sustainable, more balanced and safer GM-free nation. So they are working to change Australian food and the Agriculture policy, and are one of the leading members of Australian food safety for GM-free foods. In addition, GM industry has attempted to interfere with labelling laws. Australians are unaware of what products contain GM produce due to the lack of labelling, and so continue to knowingly purchase and consume GM food. To prevent this, Gene Ethics has labelled GM products as unsafe for consumers. They are pushing for rural research and development, protection of biodiversity, patents and GM-free policy on labelling. Moreover, they are supporting and promoting the market for GM-free foods. Through this, Gene ethics is trying to change the target audience’s behaviour towards GM food. They want the target audience to not purchase or consume GM food as it may be dangerous.
Strategy 4p’s * Product
The core product is the major benefit that the target audience will receive. Gene Ethics will provide the audience with a