The advantages of the use of social media are compelling and relevant content will grab the attention of potential customers and increase brand visibility. You can respond almost instantly to industry developments and become heard in your field. It can be much cheaper than traditional advertising and promotional activities. Social content can indirectly boost links to websites content by appearing in universal search results, improving search traffic and online sales. You can deliver improved customer service and respond effectively to feedback customers you have connected with you. You also have worldwide connectivity which helps one find romance, seeking a new job, or locating assistance. Real-time information sharing which mean you can exchange information in real-time via a chat. This is a good feature because teachers can use this to use to facilitate classroom discussions. Free advertising is another advantage of social media because whether you are non-profit organization who needs to get the word out about your upcoming fundraiser or a business owner marketing a new product or service, there is no better way to get your message out other than social media. Disadvantages of social media are committing to resources to manage your social media presence, responding to feedback and producing new content. It can be difficult to quantify the return on investment and the value of one channel over another ineffective use. There is also time waster that is a disadvantage of social media. Social network can be a big waste of time that can sucks up 17 percent of our internet time down the drain. While it is true that some of the time is spent in making and maintaining important business, social media or professional connections, it can be easy to become distracted and end up spending valuable time on games, chats and other non-related activities.
How might knowing these advantages and disadvantages alter