social media
Saving Private Ryan Social media is a love-hate relationship that has drawn massive media intention about its usage in the workplace. There has been controversy over the benefits and negatives that social media brings to the work place. In the past ten years social media such as, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn has taken on a new medium for communicating worldwide. Social media improves branding, helps increase jobs, recruitment strategies, and the most significant being how you represent yourself and business. People need to realize once they post something on the Internet that it is there eternally. It is up to the employer to address social media and set boundaries of what and what not to do. In this diverse society, people need to think before they post. It is the simple fact of people being unaware of the consequences that comes along with social media. Employees need to understand the current trends that social media may create both positively and negatively. It is the employer’s duty to portray an image that showcases a role model that will help further their business through this new age of technology. Companies and their employees have to recognize both the importance and the restrictions of social media in the workplace. According to legal advice research company AVVO, social media sites are continuing to significantly increase, as companies have been steeping in to discipline or even firing employees for using these sites on and off company time (“Social Media in the Workplace”). Employers cannot control everything in the workplace, but with existing laws can help sustain the company’s productiveness to stay in control of their employees. Companies nowadays have a written policy covering Internet usage and also stating in a section the proper use of social media at work or when posting about work related matters (“Social Media in the Workplace”). Essentially, an employer needs to make certain that their policies are clear and concise, as the same
Cited: Jackson, Mark. 20 Apr 2013. Apr . Print.
Niel, Martha. "When can workers be fired for Facebook posts and tweets?." ABA Journal. American Bar Association , 29 Jan 2013. Web. 30 Apr 2013.
Quast, Lisa. "Recruiting,Reinvented:How Companies are Using Social Media in the Hiring Process." Forbes. N.p., 21 May 2012. Web. 30 Apr 2013.
"Social Media in the Workplace." AVVo. AVVo Inc, 29 Apr 2011. Web. 29 Apr 2013.