Rene Cronquist suggest that using social media the right way is done with the understanding of what is private information and what is not. Nurses must keep the informations they learn about patients to themselves. He or she should only talk to people that they have permission to talk to about patient information. Cronquist adds that besides the people that nurses have permission to talk to about patient records, they must keep private info absolutely private. Keeping all information you learn about a patient private is the only way that you can be sure you do not accidentally tell someone details that could get you in trouble.…
Traditional, social, and electronic media for health care communication has advantages and disadvantages. Awareness may be raised and increase knowledge of an issue may happen with social media. Although the all audience 's needs can be targeted, social media and traditional communication may not be able to assemble all of the communication goals that are being attended to. There are various ways that I will reach out to the media in…
One specific mode of communication utilized by health care workers and consumers alike is electronic health records (EHR). We will discuss the benefits of this method of communication for the consumer, how it assists in maintaining patient confidentiality, the effectiveness of the EHR for communication between providers and the consumer, and how this method of communication differs from others. We will also discuss how media and social networking might change communication in health care. For many years the health care industry has used a paper method for recording medical information. This method of communication is outdated,…
This article highlights the need for Surgical Technologists to understand the ethical and legal issues in their day to day activities. Professionalism when working in any area of a surgery department must be maintained no matter what the situation. Ethical and legal issues arise daily, so it is necessary to understand and apply certain concepts in order to properly evaluate a given situation and make appropriate decisions leading to performance that will render the highest quality patient care possible. Professional behavior in this regard is crucial for any health care worker.…
Nurses are provided guidelines for how to approach the care of patients in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, but they are just that, guidelines. It is simply a map to help navigate some of the more difficult decisions that are necessary for a nurse to make. Ethics, in nursing, is based on individual interpretation. A person’s values shape their individual approaches to patients and patient care. The ANA document does not tell or indicate what is an absolute right or wrong. Each and every nurse has to make those decisions individually. Ethical knowledge and guidelines help a nurse maneuver through personal/professional relationships, to give safe and ethical care in an ever-changing healthcare system.…
As nurses we often find ourselves trapped in the center of ethical dilemmas between physicians, patients, family members, co-workers, and employers. In ethical dilemma our ethical values and ethical behavior guide us to provide the best care to our patients. In this paper I will define ethics value, my ethical values, and how did I developed them. Also, I will discuss how my ethical values have significant positive impact on my life, and ethical behavior that I want to develop in future.…
The nursing shortage and lack of staffing ratios have created long standing ethical dilemmas as they relate to patient care. Nurses are accountable and responsible for their own morals, decisions and behaviors. Nurses are accountable for judgments made and actions taken in the course of nursing practice, irrespective of healthcare organizations policies or providers' directives which may not always be in the best interest of the patient.…
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a case study addressing ethical leadership, analyzing application of standardized code of ethics on nursing practice, and discussing issues in safety for quality patient care. This paper will support the importance of confidentiality when discussing protected patient information. In addition, the need for continuing education and training for nursing through identification of Federal and State regulations as applied to nursing practice will be addressed. The discussion will touch on how these regulations are applied in specific care settings and the professional role of nursing in the ever changing health care delivery system.…
Through this work, ANA can provide direction to nursing practices, influence legislation, and implement a guideline to objectively evaluate nursing excellence. This can be achieved through several publications designed to cover topics pertinent to the nursing practice such as Code of Ethics for Nurses which was developed as a guide for carrying out nursing responsibilities in a manner consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the profession. The ANA Nursing Standards which describes the scope and standards of practice, ANA Position Statements are an explanation, a justification or a recommendation for a course of action that reflects ANA’s stance regarding the concern. and ANA Principles for Nursing Practice that establish guidelines for different topics related to the profession regarding staffing, nursing documentation, social networking and collaborative relationships with other healthcare…
One of the most significant aspects of nursing care is the social contract between the profession and the society it serves. This contract focuses on nursing’s commitment to the core values and ethical standards that support the general health of the population (The ANA, 2010). According to the ANA’s Nursing’s Social Policy…
The communication modality is Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The EMR provides benefits to the patients such as better communication with providers. EMR helps provide information quicker and making access to information more accessible. There are some issues with privacy, such as HIPAA privacy, but it is becoming fixed rapidly. EMR opens up opportunity for social networking and media opportunities. The EMR markets health care and the services available with broader audiences. In this paper these topics will be discussed.…
Leman, H. (2012). Social Media in Healthcare: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate. Journal Of The Medical Library Association, 100(2), 148-149. doi:10.3163/1536-5050.100.2.018…
Social media is a phenomenon that has become prominent mostly in the last decade. It has a time and place and is one of the most used past times by a wide demographic of age and popular throughout the entire planet. Email was the origin of social media but generally only shared between 2 people. With the advent of the most popular of all social media platforms Facebook, it is not uncommon to see users anywhere in society checking and participating in their Facebook anytime of day and in all sorts of situations.…
Values and ethics play a huge role in the nursing practice. Nursing care involves preventing illness and its complications, promotion or health restoration, and reducing suffering in the terminally ill. Nurses use their technical skills, qualities such as compassion, humanitarian service and duty, and efficient decision making in meeting the needs of their patients, families, and communities. An important part of nursing is ensuring the safety and the rights of patients. Vigilance of nurses is necessary in order to avoid unwanted and unnecessary treatments that lead to patient suffering. Nurses and other health…
Torjuul, Kirsti., and Sorlie, Venke. (2006). Nursing is different than medicine: ethical difficulties in the process of care in surgical units. Journal of Advanced Medicine , 56(4) 404-413.…