In today’s modern society, people have become more attached to electronics more than anything else. In This day and age, it seems that with the fast paced life style we are accustomed to, smart phones, laptops and tables are the things we now can’t “Leave home without”. With Blogs and online journals growing in popularity since the late 90s, people have found it easy to release their feelings through social media. In recent years, especially with societies with less freedom than ours, they turn to social media to express their ideas and express their views on current issues. With social media, all shared ideas and views come together in a more social setting that is easily accessible to everyone therefore making social and communal changes more impacting than ever. A great example of this is the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. Millions of citizens from a vast socio-economical background were unhappy with the ruling reign and wanted to make a change. Right away people took to social media to express their opinion and set up protest. Many news sources credit social media as a key factor in the uprising.
Social networking is also beneficial because it helps to improve relationships with friends and family. Some people use it to stay up to date with current friends and also to keep in touch with friends that they haven’t