Social media has become an issue that we cannot escape. People often argue about the benefits and the disadvantages of media. The opinions differ, for example Zahi Sahli criticizes the content broadcasted by media nowadays such as songs with violent and offensive lyrics in his article “sexist lyrics spark anger, in Lebanon, raising concerns”. Also, Lea Cadwell in the article “ Sukleen: hiding behind a glamorous façade”, mentions that the new campaign for Sukleen is ironic because of the low-wage workers carrying garbage alongside images of high-class models doing likewise. On the other hand, Clay Duda in the article “4 arguments to sell social media to your boss” argues that social networking is a great way to set a target audience and to post product information as if the product or the company itself is becoming friends with their audience and clients. Finally, Todd Gitlin mentions that time has changed, and that what seemed possible in 1660 is vaster nowadays, in his article ”super saturation, or, the
References: Cadwell, L. (2012). Sukleen: Hiding Behind a Glamorous Façade. Retrieved on April 3, 2012, from Duda, C. (2011). 4 Arguments to Sell Social Media to Your Boss. Retrieved on April 23, 2012, from Gitlin, T. (2006). Supersaturation, or, The Media Torrent and Disposable Feeling. In Muller, G.H.(Ed.). The McGrawHill Reader: Issues across the disciplines. (9th Ed.). McGrawHill New York. (pp.557-563). Sahli, Z. (2012). Sexist Lyrics Spark Anger In Lebanon, Raising Concerns. Retrieved on February 13, 2012, from