Social Media in Communication
Lecture 1: Introduction to Social Media!
Dr. Tracy Loh
14 Aug 2014
Today’s Lecture
Module overview!
Assignments/grading criteria!
Group project!
Introduction to social media
Social Media in Communication Management
Public Relations
Course Description
Focus is on the dynamics and management of social media in relation to communication management i.e. the advertising and public relations industries!
Theoretically driven, looking at the strategies and practices that govern the usage and application of social media in organisations in order to achieve organisation’s goals!
Concept focused, rather than application/platform focused!
Module is complementary yet independent from NM3215
Advertising Strategies and NM2219 Principles of Comm Mgt
Course Goals
At the end of this module, you will be able to:!
Understand how social media works and how it fits into the overall media landscape!
Devise and manage social media strategies and campaigns!
Evaluate the effectiveness of social media campaigns!
Understand the theoretical underpinnings of social media behaviour!
Understand the implications that the use of social media has for the industry as well as for society in general!
Examine from critical and practical angles the social, economic and business impacts of social media
The Team
Lecturer: Dr Tracy Loh (!
Teaching Assistant: Mr Derrick Ng (
Lecture Etiquette
Respect and consideration!
Arrive on time!
Turn off mobile phones!
Refrain from social media distractions during class i.e. no text messaging or OM-ing or Facebooking or Tweeting or posting on
Hardwareforum or Stomp-ing or…!
Come prepared