By: A.J Nasser Social media is defined as websites and application that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. In the last ten years, social media has proliferated and expanded exponentially. With this rapid increase and expansion of social media, social networking sites were born. Social media sites exhibited by Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram are a few examples of the popular social media sites used today. Through these social networking sites, it is noticeable that these websites reflect qualities of society. Moreover, qualities such as, racism, sexism, ageism, classicism are all translated into social media sites. A notable quality in society that has a dominant influence in media and social media sites is misogyny. Misogyny is the hatred of women and is a feeling that can be translated or expressed in numerous ways, exhibited by denigration towards women, sexual objectification towards women and violence towards women. Misogyny sometimes has a subtle approach in society, exhibited by anchormen and women; the man is usually older, less attractive, but notice the women is virtually always beautiful and young. An obvious display of misogyny is represented in modern hip-hop culture, where women are sexually objectified. Misogyny is institutionalized in our society and evidently holds a dominant place in social media. Misogyny is reflected in social media sites by female representation in media texts as sexual beings and female’s acceptance to participate in her own degradation.
Typically on social media sites, women are represented as sexual beings through various media texts. Youtube is the most dominant social media site that disseminates misogynistic media texts. Youtube is known for being one of the largest databases of videos on the Internet. Among those videos are music videos of every genre and hip-hop culture is widely renowned for their rap videos. Hip-hop culture