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Social Media Responsibilities/ Hum/186

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Social Media Responsibilities/ Hum/186
Social Media Responsibilities
Jana Keeley
June 05, 2012
Tanny Rodriguez

Responsibilities of news media include providing the society a truthful, objectives and balanced news and information while respecting the secrecy of issues related to national security. Known tasks of journalists in the entertainment media are In the social responsibility theory of the press, the media is driven to benefit the public. It expects journalists to answer society's need for truth, requires an open and diverse debate on public issues, and honest updates of current events. In this model, media ethics is automatic because the press is free to serve its purpose for the public, as opposed to special interest groups or advertisers( referenced below). Another condition of the social responsibility model, is that news reporting cannot be dependent on groups that may encourage bias and unethical practices in exchange for financial support catchy headlines which directly affect civilians.
The public learns about government and politics primarily through television and nationwide newspapers. The media has a choice of which stories to cover. Recent studies prove the exposures can have a sizeable impact in shaping the public’s view on politics. Media coverage shapes attitudes and behaviors related to judging ones capabilities of running for office. It’s a known fact that citizens often times seek out information that agrees with their pre-existing views. People will relate with a politician if they are speaking about the current social and living infrastructures.
Social Media should be aware of their responsibilities as they play a significant role in society especially on forming and educating the people with the current and pressing issues that may directly affect the communities. The social media should also be sensible of every program and/or contents they offer to the public.
A rule of thumb is to remember that the ROLE of the media is not to shape the opinion of citizens on politics; however they state the facts and let the viewer decide if they are against or agree with it. Many people may find journalist being subjective but they are skilled writers and cover stories that are trending. The way journalists notify the public of the trending stories is to assess the situation at hand and decide if the citizens are directly affected. Journalist and entertainment media are closely related and work off each other to provide information.
In the most recent presidential campaign Barack Obamas main point of interest was to bring the troops home from war driven countries. This was a main argument because many citizens opposed the war. This was an attempt to gain voters which triggered an astounding voter turnout. As stated above media and entertainment are closely related and cater to the public interest. People are able to read about and research topics at the convenience of Internet.
Electronic media has dominated everyday living worldwide. Internet is everywhere, fast food restaurants’, coffee shops and Wi-Fi is available at most public places. Citizens are able to retrieve news at any time of the day. Many servers/sites allow consumers to modify what news they are most interested in. Interests can be sports, celebrity interest, and certain politicians. Twitter has created a direct following tool of those people of interest to be followed and people can keep up with minute to minute moves made on a daily basis. Electronic Media News convergence has allowed consumers to access news reports and breaking news prior to the printing of a newspaper, the morning, midday and evening news. Many people receive instant updates from the subscriptions via cell phone, emails, or text notifications. Although the majority of civilians use electronic media to view news now, the future of the newspaper print is secure. The interest in coupons on grocery items is still in high demand. Many people look forward to the Sunday paper as it provided comics and blogs. Television stations, rely heavily on advertisers for money, and therefore design their news reporting to support and never conflict with the will of their financial supporters.
The face of social media will never completely take over the news consumption. People rely heavily on pros of natural news. The daytime shows and personal delivery of magazines and newspapers will cater to those who choose to be dormant of the new era. The world cannot cater to those fortunate enough to have means of Internet access or the abilities to have a smartphone. Media is a for -profit business and will cater to all consumers big or small to maintain a relationship with all consumers.

Sources: Media Ethics Today
The Difference between Social Responsibility and Libertarian Theory
Brianna Coleman, September 2009 Issue

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