We live in a generation where losing your phone is worse than losing your virginity.
We live in a generation where it has become common to send inappropriate pictures to people who we have just met. We live in a generation where we are so dependent on technology that it is as addictive as a drug. Fellow students, let me ask you all this question, would you want to see our future generation, our future leaders, and our future role models acting like this? What is this world coming to?! In order to prevent this, I firmly believe that the correct and safe use of social media must be taught in schools.
Social networking websites can be utilised as a beneficial tool to keep in touch with friends and to communicate and interact with people across the globe. Thus, it has become very popular particularly amongst teenagers to interact and connect with others online. However, it must be mandatory in schools to educate students on the correct and safe access of social media. It must be compulsory for children to learn about the consequences of social media, as it is a potentially damaging and destructive environment, which can lead to a variety of issues including mental illness, addiction and cyberbullying.
Some people state that if children are old enough to have a social media account or phone, they should be able to responsibly use the internet. Wrong. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, it states that people between the ages of 15-24 suicide is the third leading cause of death due to cyberbullying. Over a whopping 69% of people who commit suicide have been diagnosed with mental illness due to cyberbullying. In addition, a staggering 95% of all teenagers aged 12-17 are considerable users of the internet and 80% of those teens are social media users according to Pew Research Internet Project.
From these statistics alone, it is blindingly obvious that a huge portion of our youth can easily become victims to cyberbullying and