In March 2012, the founders of Invisible Children released a video in hopes of bringing awareness to the world’s number one criminal, Joseph Kony. The “Stop Kony” movement aimed to make Kony globally known in order to get him arrested. Joseph Kony is a military leader in Uganda. He is indicted war criminal and the international criminal court fugitive. Joseph Kony is responsible for kidnapping children and using young boys as fighters for the Lord Resistance Army and young girls as sex slaves and wives for the commanders. He forces these children to kill their parents and neighbors so that they won’t have a home to return to.
In order to bring awareness and recognition to this movement, viewers were asked to take part in “Cover the Night” in April of 2012. This was a worldwide event in which supporters of the Stop Kony movement were encouraged to volunteer and display posters and flyers in their neighborhoods. Invisible children offered t-shirts and posters on their website as well as campaign bottles, stickers and bracelets to help supporters build as much awareness as possible.
The Stop Kony movement was mainly established to protect the children in Uganda. The movement aimed to stop child abduction and abuse. In my opinion, this movement was trying to protect basic human rights. The freedom of children was taken away when they are kidnapped by the LRA. Their basic human rights are taken away as they are ordered around by the leaders. Stop Kony movement was also established to encourage a change in Uganda.
I consider Stop Kony as a social movement primarily because of the definition of Social Movements; an informal group of people to bring about social change. Stop Kony was formed by an informal group of people with the hopes of bringing about a social change in Uganda. Although, the goal of the social movement of finding and arresting Kony was not accomplished in
Cited: 5ifty and 5ifty. "Year in Review: Results." Invisible Children Kony2012 Comments. Worldpress.com, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2013.