References: Boyd, D. M., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and…
Public websites geared toward creating a social network can be both positive, and negative. You can connect with people all over the world, with no fees such as land line long distance charges, cell phone, and text message charges. It is also beneficial in that you can connect with relatives you haven seen or spoken with in a while. But there are downfalls to such sites, and one of the major ones effecting teens and adults today, explicit photos, or inappropriate posts being seen by possible employers, or even colleges.…
Social networking sites allow you to connect with old friends from high school, family that lives far away, in my case, even in another country as missionaries, friends down the street, coworkers, and just about anyone else you can think of. This can make you feel more connected to the world around you. You can keep up with what everyone is doing and accomplishing in their lives very easily through statuses and pictures posted every day. I have met new family members, whether by marriage or by birth, through Facebook who I otherwise have not had the opportunity to meet. One of my uncles, who recently passed away, had an affair about thirty years ago and did not realize he had a son from that affair until his son decided to find his father. Facebook is the only way I have been able to meet my new found cousin and his family. But when you start looking at the downside of social networking, it can make you wonder if it is really worth the cost. There have been many debates on the issues of using these sites for many years, so there have been quite a few downsides brought to the public’s attention such as health issues like anxiety or depression, lower grades for students of all levels, decreased productivity in the workplace, someone being stalked and so forth. Since there are way too many to cover in this paper, I am going to concentrate on three that I feel are some of the most important issues. Some of the issues with social networking sites are identity theft made easier, cyber bullying, which has caused many suicides, and strong face-to-face relationships suffering and being replaced by weaker online relationships.…
Attention Getter: Over the past several years, I have fell victim to social networking sites. From Myspace to Facebook, I’ve become a regular of these sites and usually it’s the first thing I login to and check out when I turn on my computer. Like millions of other users worldwide,…
The first reason that social networking is bad for society is that it makes people lazy and overweight. About two decades ago, when people were bored, they would go outside and do something. You could go ride a bike, take your dog for a walk, play a round of baseball, or hit the gym and exercise. Nowadays, many people just go on their phones and “tweet” about how bored they or scroll through a friends new pictures and click the “like” button a few times. Sure, social networking might give you something “to do,” but really, you aren’t doing anything! Especially in American society, where the obesity rate has…
The first reason why I think social networking sites are good for people is because you can connect with your friends, family, and work colleagues. For instance I cant see some of my family since they live in California. What I did was use my facebook account which abled me keep in touch with them. I believe that it is very important to have a strong connecting family. Keeping in touch with your family members and friends will make them think that you actually care about them. Then that will then grow a good connection with them.…
Ladies, gentlemen, there has recently been a debate as to whether social networking sites do more harm than good.…
I myself am associated with social networking sites, and know firsthand the dangers they can cause. And for the past couple of days I have been researching how harmful they can be to a person.…
First of all, I agree that society relies on social networks too much because social networking is much easier to communicate or meet people. Online communication allows people to communicate with people freely and openly. Also, if people can be themselves without hesitating or if they choose not to interact with people they can simply leave the site. Yet, social network users meet a bigger variety of people online and can interact with them without certain hindrances people would experience when communicating in real life. In Niedzviecki’s essay, he states “I logged on to Facebook and realized that I was very close to having 700 online friends” (958). Niedzviecki managed to acquire that many friends online better than he would have attempted to…
In writing tools you can upload your assignment. The steps you need to take are, Paper title, File upload, Course, Parer langusge, and Selec services. The papers are chack threw sources of the internet.…
Most of the people around us today rely on and use social networking, so it has become so famous throughout the world. It includes social websites such as facebook and twitter. I believe that social networking is pretty useful in our daily lives.…
The effects of verbal abuse and emotional abuse intertwine because verbally abusive statements play on the victim's emotions. For example, the simple statement, "You're just looking for a fight!" tells the victim what he's doing and thinking, accuses the victim of attacking the abuser, and diverts the topic to a new problem (avoiding a fight).3…
3.0 The social significance of the debate. This growing popularity for online social networking has lead members of the public to question the effect this phenomenon can have on young developing minds which are vulnerable and open to learning and easily influenced (Daily Mail Reporter, 2010; Goff, 2009; ScienceDaily, 2008; Kerrison, 2006). Thus, the question here is will the impact of social networking enhance the development of the young or endanger their future?…
Ironically social sites lead us to self-justification and appraising personalities which are anti-social. Share concepts but not sell yourself. Eloquence, digital self-image building distorts our own surrealistic ideology and thoughts. Our social site panopticon needs to be disrupted and shattered. Social Networks lacks personal touch, share NO real feelings, boring and repetitive content, making people feel bad in uneven societies, most of all it creates a virtual image of yours which is not real.…
But here is the big question- is social networking really a boon or bane? especially in the case of students and today's generation. Yes, there is no doubt that this helps increase your friends circle, the opportunity to interact with different people and make new friends across the world. But many are asking if the social networking sites are indeed being used for such productive reasons. There has been an increasingly disturbing behaviour found in students and youngsters after their exposure towards such sites.…