With unemployment on the rise many have found themselves back on the job hunt. The job market has become very competitive many people are over qualified and compete for entry level employment. In order to stand out job seekers have added their blogs and social networking sites to their resumes to give an employer an idea of their skills and talents, not realizing that by doing so could be eliminating them all together.
Social networking cites and blogs are extremely popular today they have become the number one way to connect with friends, family, coworkers and educational institutions. We have passed the day and age that you simply pass out your business card or exchange phone numbers. Employer web sites have now included a way to “friend” them on their Facebook page as well as Twitter accounts for updates on the company. These are not the days of list “3 references” for your employer to verify, today we have references and their names are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many others. These sites have become addicting people are spending day and night on their computers, cell phones and tablets chatting it up on social networking sites and blogs. These sites are truly how we stay connected and share our lives with those we consider our friends. Most of these social networking sites have privacy features that will prevent those you choose not to connect with from seeing your page and posts. These privacy features make us comfortable to post freely with the idea that no one can access our personal information WRONG!!
Social networking is a great way to meet people and entertain yourself but if put into the wrong hands it can cost you your current job or future employment. The problem is that there are many ways to access your personal information that you are voluntarily posting on a regular basis. We give ourselves aliases and nicknames to prevent unwanted people from locating us online and sometimes