The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain general information about any given individual and their social networking habits. All the results gathered from this questionnaire will be used solely for academic purposes and can be seen in a research paper about the Uses and Abuses of Social Networking. The questionnaire in which you are about to participate in is for a final year project of a Computing Degree. It is conducted by Chris Bateson and involves questions regarding Social Networking Societies. It will approximately take 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Participation is optional and completely voluntary, and you may withdraw from this study at any time for any reason. The researcher assures confidentiality of your individual results. You may receive a copy of this consent form upon request, as well as the final results of the study by contacting the researcher: listed below. Please take the time to read and answer each question carefully, honestly and to the best of your ability, you may ask any questions you might have about this study now or in the future. By completing and returning the questionnaire you are hereby giving full consent to use this data in this research project. Thank you for your participation. Chris Bateson
SECTION 1: PERSONAL DETAILS Age: _____ Occupation: __________________________________________ SECTION 2: QUESTIONAIRE 1. Are you part of a social networking society (eg Facebook, Twitter etc). If yes, go directly to question 3, If No, go to question 2. o Yes o No 2. For what reason are you not part of a social networking society? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
(All participants who answer question 2. This is the end of the questionnaire.)
3. What is your favourite