Social Networking Sites, And Articles
Danielle Bachman
INF 103 Computer Literacy
Instructor: David Conway
Social networks is a social networking services that are online services, platforms or sites that focus on reading, writing, voicing your ideas and share them with the world wide web two point zero Creating blogs, post, and the latest news and articles. What is digital literacy, are we safe or not? Online social networks have made it to where we grieve and memorialize our family and friends of lost loved ones, The ethical issues of who has that control of digits after life. Think of the world wide web as a giant library and database that we all have access to.
Social Networks
Social networks and the impact it has on our society, how does communicating and sharing with the world effect us? Creating blogs, post and documents to memorials and support family and friends we have lost, or going through hard times and the ethical issues involved.
With how fast and rapid our society and technology is today social networks has made it possible to communicate and stay in touch with family and friends, also to expand and express ourselves, get support and to memorialize our lost family and friends. The most popular social networking sites that people use today are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google. Mark D. Bowels ( 2013) Digital Literacy: “ Web 2.0 tools and applications” is collaborative and revolutionary because it brings people together into online communities that are and impossibility in the real world. There are two main types of blogs. The first is known as the “pure aggregator”, which is a website that simply has daily updates of links to other websites. The second is called a “pure analyst” and contains no links to other sites, just original content. There are, of course, blogs that blend these two approaches. They typically fall into two main groups, or
References: Mark D. Bowels (2013). Digital Literacy, Bridgepoint Education Chapter 7 http: // Sabrina Bachai and Elijah Wolfson (2014.) Academic Search premier