
Social Norms Examples

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Social Norms

Anywhere we go, there are going to be at least a couple of different norms occurring at the same time. From walking onto a train to sitting in a someone’s home, everyone will behave in distinct manners to which they have grown accustomed. The way we behave is not in the matter of right or wrong, but only what our society allows us to. In our society, we have a number of society norms that we abide by. For example, there is an unwritten rule of how one should behave in an elevator. For example, it is proper to eye-to-eye contact, move away from strangers, and respect your elders.

When a social norm is broke, people may respond with apprehension, humor, panic, anger, or an array of other emotions. When we think of a norm, we probably think of it as being
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The two social norms that I broke were, not praying before eating my meals since I have been in college and being rude to authority such as my mother when I being a spoiled brat. When my mother called me back, she just sounded disgusted at me. I know she wanted to ask why did I have an attitude but she just kept quiet. By the way, I did apologize to my mother, so I would not feel like an idiot that whole night. When I finally broke down, and told my mother that I had an expectation to uphold while in college she started to laugh. Her response towards me was, she was going to love me no matter how I many mistakes I make. I thought that was love that let me know that she does not care what people think she was always going to be there for me, no matter how I act. When I broke the norm of how I feel, I felt insecure about myself and I really did care of what people were going to say about me. Nevertheless, I did learn this; people are very judgmental on a person that they have no clue

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