
Social Norms Theory Of Aggression

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Social Norms Theory Of Aggression
Aggression” by Scott Boeringer, who assesses campus violence and the contribution of fraternity membership, “Gender Status and Violence” by Kristen Anderson, and “Unnecessary Roughness? School Sports, Peer Networks, and Male Adolescent Violence” written by Derek Kreager, and government statistics I related the commonality of college age female victims and their availability and vulnerability to aggressive men in social environments. I also followed the Vanderbilt gang rape case involving members of the Vanderbilt football team which seemed to be a prime example of falling into Social Norms or as the defense attourney in this particular case described as “College Culture”. I am using social norms theory to provide a sociological explanation of masculinity, physicality, …show more content…
Social Norms Theory is basically the unwritten rules and behavior expected from a particular social group or culture. What is “normal” behavior for a certain group? Alan Berkowitz development of Social Norms Theory explains the considerable pressures to conform to the expected role and behavior set by a particular sub culture within society. The culture impressed upon by these sub groups becomes “normal” for the members of sub groups. In my opinion, social norms theory runs hand in hand with social learning theory because both give the sociological perspective of social conformity. Samuel McLeod provides a clear understanding of social normalities in his journal article “Social Norms”. Mcleod implores that “social norms provides structure and predictability in society”. For example, students who are members of Honors College and have obtained academic scholarships are expected to maintain three point five grade point averages throughout their years of undergrad. It is normal for these students to participate in

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