America’s, thus, it has produced many unintelligent individuals for generations. Similar to the idea of culture of poverty, Hispanic males are part of a culture of uneducated. Generations have simply adapted to being uneducated and so, have turned to socially unprestigious methods as a way of coping, continuing the idea that education is simply not something that should be sought after. Moreover, we live in a world of meritocracy where being socially distinguished is directly correlated to one’s capacity and effort.
If any individual is not willing to put the effort into the formable years of high school, then one should accept an occupation that requires very little skill and pay. The snowball effect comes into play because a student’s high school career leads to a college career which leads to an occupational one. At the basic level, Hispanic males are simply not trying in school which then leads to university rejection, and soon the vast majority of jobs that require secondary education will also reject them. As one can see, this model is on a micro-level which directly correlates with the definition and the analysis of various social conditions. The social pathology theory plainly connects social problems to the pathology of a body and treats them as a disease, one that is definitely incurable. A human body produces life and a relentless disease proves for many problems that must be identified immediately in order for the body to continue growing safely. At a micro-level analysis, one is going to focus on the cultural and ethnic components which can yield a lot of racial stereotypes and false …show more content…
assumptions. Given these points, a radical social pathology theorist would consider the complete and utter removal of all young, male, Hispanics. The belief that comes into play is that in order for the human body (the United States) to remain healthy, one must completely get rid of the disease (Hispanic males) that are jeopardizing it. It should not be attempted to educate this group because they have been uneducated for years, and at this point have not exuded enough effort or skill to warrant assistance. However, the social pathology theory is still a sociological theoretical perspective, and thus, the main goal is to simply define and explain, and is why this solution is not being offered up on a daily basis. Conversely, the social conflict approach would attribute the rise of male, Hispanic dropouts to a society that is essentially divided only by prejudice and thus, strife. While we have made significant strides as a nation, the continuing prevalence of racial stereotyping and aggression is a problem. This approach includes the multiculturalism theory which sees conflict based on ethnicity and creates a hierarchy to combat it. Some categories of people are benefiting from this racial tension, and young, male, Hispanics are dropping out because such a hierarchy seems unchanging and this image of society is considered the depressing norm. To conclude, I believe that the social conflict approach is the best method to explain the social condition because its macro-level analysis allows for a system centered examination as opposed to a person centered one.
I believe that a person centered analysis will yield a large amount of racial stereotypes and prejudices and try to associate that with the rest of a very large society. Instead, the social conflict approach takes into account a very damaged system, which has been noted in the new millennium. A system is how something is ran and what different variables can contribute to the collapse or the ascension of its running and placement within our lives. A system is all encompassing which is why I argue that one must look to the bigger problem to focus on the smaller ones instead of examining a few personal accounts and generalizing the rest of the population with those