
Social Perception Assignment: Social Injustice

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Wiphu Dulyakahakit
September 23rd, 2016
Social Perception Assignment Ever since the death of Keith Lamont Scott, there has been nothing but unrest, violence, and protests in the South Carolina. Mr. Scott was a black man who was fatally shot down by a black officer. Protesters and activists see this an act of social injustice. Surprisingly, a very brave man name Ken Nwadike who did things differently as the attempt to stop this chaos. Mr. Nwadike was giving hugs to police officers as the way to create neutrality in the society. He believes that people should not be categorized for bad behaviors base on racial stereotypes. Many people might wonder why Mr. Ken Nwadike choose to give hugs to officers in front of the protestors. First, Mr. Nwadike

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