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Public speaking, meeting new people, dating, and performance arts can be normal behavior for most people, but for more than 5 million Americans, it is a problem as they have social anxiety disorder or social phobia (Donohue, 2013). There has been no stated cause for the condition, though some scientists have attributed it to genetics. However, it is a very common condition which the researcher found to be in a large number of the subjects or respondents in the study.
The study below sought to identify the most common phobia among a selected group of subjects, which was found by the researcher to be social phobia. The study then sought to examine the factors influencing social phobia, and using the direction from an article by the American Psychological Association, Volume 36, Issue 7, determine the level of penetration of social phobia, its treatment options, and how people who had the condition coped with it.
Table of Contents
1.0 Background Information 1 …show more content…
The researcher chose randomly from a population of 100 people in a small town location. The researcher then carried out sampling in order to narrow down the number of respondents. Stratified sampling was used in order to get respondents from two different occupations and simple random sampling used to identify the final respondents within the strata. Data was then collected from a sample of 50 and used to determine the validity of the stated hypothesis. The groups varied in age, gender, occupation, as 30 of the respondents were college students and 20 were people with different jobs. However, they were from a central location in order to obtain ease of observation. The researcher observed the group on normal days for a period of seven days and on two special occasions such as dates, events, and examinations in order to obtain the