Understand the significant historical and contemporary landmarks in social welfare provision
1.1 Outline significant historical and contemporary landmarks in social policy.
Social policy is the study of social services and the welfare state. In general terms, it looks at the idea of social welfare, and its relationship to politics and society. More specifically, it also considers detailed issues in * policy and administration of social services, including policies for health, housing, income maintenance, education and social work; * needs and issues affecting the users of services, including poverty, old age, health, disability, and family policy; and * The delivery of welfare.
Social policy has been described as an attempt to change a given social order, which may involve the modification of market forces and the redistribution of resources. Social policy aims to improve human welfare and to meet human needs for education health housing and social security. In an academic environment, social policy refers to the study of the welfare state and the range of responses to social heed.
The Key historical landmarks in social welfare focusing 1945 period were: In 19th century it was the role of religion, the voluntary sector in welfare, and in early 20th century Liberalism and the foundations of British welfare, votes for women.
According to the New Right, the welfare state had, taken responsibility and incentive for people to look after their own health, allowed lack of competition in the provision of services, leading to complacency with respect to quality of service, taken away choice, people were supposed to be grateful for what they were given, created a public demand for services with costs growing costs because people used the service simply because it was free.
According to http://www2.rgu.ac.uk/publicpolicy/introduction/uk.htm ‘’The United Kingdom is a unitary state in which central government
Bibliography: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4720727.stm Date accessed- 11-11-12 http://www.biography.com/people/margaret-thatcher-9504796 Date accessed- 11-11-12 last updated- Tuesday, November 20, 2012 http://www.ukessays.com/essays/social-work/identify-key-historical-landmarks-in-social-welfare-social-work-essay.php#ixzz2BRLYqENR Date accessed– 14-11-12 Last updated- 17-10-11 http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/beveridge_william.shtml Date accessed- 19-11-12 Last updated- 10-03-11 http://www2.rgu.ac.uk/publicpolicy/introduction/uk.htm Date accessed - 19-11-12 Last updated- 12-11-12 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8676607.stm date accessed-20-11-12 Last updated- Wednesday, 12 May 2010