In its simplest form Homelessness means not having a home. In this context a home is not just a house, it is a permanent, private roof over your head, a place of security with community links and support. It should be of a decent standard and affordable. (Shelter Nov 2005)
The statutory definition used in official policy documents in England corresponds to persons and families who local housing authorities have accepted as ‘homeless’ (Vostanis and Cumella 1999). How local authorities defines a homeless person is examined in the discussion part of this essay.
The full scale of homelessness is difficult to quantify fully as much of the problem is hidden with some people going through periods of temporary homelessness before settling down again (Shelter Aug 2005) – this can be particularly true of young people who may find themselves living on a friends floor for a short period of time before returning to a true home. Some official government statistics are available however:
Homelessness trends published by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister reveal that in 2004 204,700 households were found to be homeless; this figure includes (i) households unintentionally homeless and in priority need; (ii) intentionally homeless households; and (iii) homeless households not in priority need. However, local authorities only have a duty to re-house people in this first group which in 2004 stood at 127,760.
Currently there is no requirement to record statistics on young homeless people so it is difficult to measure the
References: Young Homeless People Casey, L., (2001) More than a Roof: A report into tackling Homelessness [online] Available: [accessed 1 December 2005] Diaz, R., (Aug 2005) Housing and homelessness [online] Available: [accessed 11 December 2005] Diaz, R., (Nov 2005) Young people and homelessness [online] London: Shelter Youth Crime Audit Commision (2004) Youth Justice 2004: A review of the reformed youth justice system BBC News (2005) Call to Boycott ‘hoodie’ ban mall [online] London: BBC.