|Social Problem of the Industrial |How was the Social Problem addressed during |Was the Social Problem |Is the Social Problem still an issue |
|Age |the Industrial Age (social movement, law, |addressed successfully? Be |today? How? |
| |etc.)? |sure to support your opinion | |
| | |with evidence from the lesson| |
| | |or your research. | |
|Tenement Housing- Buildings that |Social Reformers including the social gospel |As settlement houses matured |To some degree it is still a problem.|
|had formerly housed one family |movement believed helping the poor was a duty |the social reformers also |There is still government subsidized |
|that were divided into several |and created settlement houses. Hull House in |worked for legislative reform|housing that isn’t always in the best|
|units to house more families in |Chicago founded in 1889 was the best known |to help the public and |neighborhoods. Homelessness remains a|
|the same amount of space. |settlement house in the U.S. It was based on a|improve working conditions |problem in the U.S. |
|Tenements were cheap crowded and |settlement house visited by Jane Addams in |for women and children | |
|unsanitary. |London | | |
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