Student Name: Adriene Goodrich
Cohort: BSOL 169
BMGT Instructor: Dr. C. Veney
Date Submitted: 12/12/12
Roundtable Discussion - Chapter 6: Social Relationships
Chapter Outline: 1. Topic Summary: We examine Social Relationships in the context of how we interact with other individuals, how interactions change from infancy to adulthood, and how they can affect an individual. 2. Theories of Social Relationships a. Attachment Theory: i. defined as the bond between two people that involves feelings of security, how a person would react of a person is under stress or threat, and how a person would react when there is an attempt to avoid or end separation from the attachment figure ii. oldest and best known theory; common references is infant-parent bond iii. adult attachments are maintained with a variety of contact mechanisms iv. internal working model are a set of beliefs and assumptions about the nature of a relationship at a given time b. The Convoy Model: v. Individual life experiences are determined by the personal network of family and friends where as the nature and interactions of these relationships change as the individual develops. vi. There are different levels of closeness one has with other individuals. Those in the closest to you in your inner circle are the most important people that you would find it difficult to live with out. There is another group who are close, but not as close as the ones that are in your inner circle. Then there are those who you are involved with, but are not as important as the other two groups of individuals. c. Socioemotional Selectivity Theory vii. Relationships have more meaning as we grow older, and we thus become more