Ankita Jha (U113187)
Chitrali Nag(U113198)
Gourab Dutta (U113202)
Manisa Parida (U113205)
Partha Pratim Sinha (U113213)
Rohan Naik (U113217)
Sampad Panigrahi (U113221)
Section – D, Group-5, BM-1
Problem Statement -
To check whether the gross domestic product(GDP) is getting directly affected by the Household final consumption in India, keeping other factors such as Investments, Government Spending, net exports, etc constant and finding out the model that describes the relationship the best.
A Priori -
Income of one leg of an economy is expenditure of other leg of the economy.
Consumption of household comes from household income, which accumulates to become the income of other group people, and the money continues flowing.
Variables Used -
Dependent Variable: Gross domestic product (GDP)
Independent variables: Household final consumption expenditure.
Data Points: 1990-2012
Data Source: Hypothesis:
Ho: There is no relationship between Household final consumption and GDP
Alternate Hypothesis:
H1: There exists a relationship between Household final consumption and GDP
Data Set –
Detailed analysis of various models
Interpretation of the Results –
As per the regression results, R square value for the cubic model is the highest, however we can see close R-square value for Log Linear, Quadratic and Linear model as well. Hence we can say that this model explains the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
As R square value is very high and, the significance value is nearly 0 which is less than 5% (taken as default), we can reject the null hypothesis stating that there is a relationship between the household consumption expenditure and GDP.
Considering the above two models it is clear that the cubic model has a better explanatory power.
Problem Statement -
To establish a relationship between Adult mortality rate of a