PROC 5000 - OA S1 2011 Procurement and Acquisitions
Professor Claude Wiedower
Table of Contents Abstract…………………………………………………………………………….1 Technology and ethical behavior...............................................................................1 Overcoming the perception of unethical behavior ...................................................2 Establishing an environment that foster ethical behavior..........................................4 Establishing an ethics policy......................................................................................5 Establishing an ethics training program......................................................................7 The importance of an ethics Ombudsman..................................................................8 Establishing a process of checks and balances...........................................................9 Performing periodic audits….………………………………………………………10 Summary…………………………………………………………………………….11 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..12
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Supply professionals take on critical roles with regard to leading and directing the development and integration of sustainability and social responsibility policies and strategies into the organization as well as the supply chain. Moreover, supply professionals are also in the position to reinforce the importance of a personal commitment, from organizational members, and how this commitment impacts the sustainability and social responsibility efforts and outcomes. While there are many aspects of sustainability and social responsibility, the specific areas of diversity includes human rights and environment. By (1) establishing an ethics policy, (2) providing ethics training, (3) enlisting an ethics ombudsman, (3) performing checks and balances, and (4)
References: Federal Computer, Lipowicz, 2010 Retrieved from: Guide to Public Procurement, Asner, Michael, 2010, Retrieved from: 5 components to Ethical Procurement, Charles Dominick, 2010, Retrieved from:, Aubuchon, Dennis, 2010 Retrieved from: Ethics Training, Rand, M.L., 2010, Retrieved from: