Monique Barcus
March 13, 2011
Nilajah Nyasuma
“A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor.” (Definition of Performance Appraisal on the web.). In other words, a performance appraisal is an standard review of an employee’s job performance, and how he or she is helping the organizations to reach the environment’s goals. At that point the job supervisors are trying to determine if the subordinates is doing well on the job, and if he or she is improving in his or her field and as well as determine if this person is a “fit” for the organization. The performance appraisal system is beneficial to the organization because it gives the opportunity for the supervisor and subordinate to have a one on one discussion on important work issues that may not be addressed on a day to day basis. This gives supervisors the opportunity to inquire with subordinates about their suggestions and advancements of the organization. Thus, a performance appraisal gives valuable opportunity to focus on activities and goals at work. In a beneficial and positive way, a performance appraisal aids in correcting new and existing problems. The performance of the whole organization is broadened. This opportunity gives the employees uninterrupted access with his or her supervisor.
There are four different elements that are presented in the performance appraisal system. The first element is the employee’s motivation and satisfaction of their job and job performance. The review can determine the subordinates’ level of motivation and their satisfaction for their job. Supervisors will be able to discuss how the employee is doing a good job and what areas the employees can improve in. The appraisal system
References: 1. Definitions of Performance Appraisals On The Web. Retrieved on 13/03/2011 2. Performance Appraisal- Benefits of Appraisals. Retrieved on 13/03/2011