The author stated in source 2 "Downloading and installing an application (or app, for short) could endanger your data privacy, too, if the app collects information from your cell phone without your permission. Some apps explicitly ask for permission to access your cell phone in different ways." This also means that some apps are not safe because they take in your personal information from your phone and your privacy is in danger. Hackers all over the internet waiting for something like this to happen because they see it as a opportunity When using the internet use the right websites so your personal information is …show more content…
In source 3 the author states "If SSNs are publicly displayed, as is the case in some educational establishments when posting grades, for instance, privacy of personal data suffers. The SSN is also at risk of being copied and used illegally elsewhere. This identity theft, as it is called, may be carried out for different reasons, such as obtaining unauthorized credit, income tax refunds, and social and healthcare benefits. For these reasons, a number of schools and universities have now stopped using the SSN as a student identifier. Others, at least, give students the option to choose another form of identification." Which also means that your social security number is one of the most important information of yours that hackers look for so you cannot use this on your social network account because it will not be safe. So keeping your social security number away from the internet is something you should always look out for.
In conclusion, people can protect their personal information if they don't use the wrong websites, don't give out all their most important information, and keep there social security away from social networking. People must know the website their using because most social networks are not trusted. Also, do not give out your important personal information because there are a lot of cyber criminals. Last but not least do not give out your