Social Context of Society
Social Context of Technology – Essay
“Technology is an independent factor impacting on society from outside society”
Discuss with reference to both the Technological Determinist and the Social Shaping of Technology perspectives.
The power technology obtains is incredible. In recent years it’s advanced greatly and I believe its limits is only our imagination. It is evolving at a quicker rate than ever and its happening right before our eyes, weather we like it or not. ‘By definition, technology has always been present in human society, even from it’s very origins’ (Paschal Preston, 2001, p.109), stating that technology has always been present in our lives a far as time begun, weather it be electronic or not. The question arises however is technology powerful enough to control society? Or is society the reason behind technology advancements in recent years? I will discuss the statement above with reference to two theories, Technological Determinism and the social shaping of Technology. In my opinion I believe these two theories are suitable for the times they were established, I cannot agree with all aspects of one theory however, a theory which was widely accepted, is now seen as a theory which is no longer put into practise, Technological determinism (TD).
‘Technological Determinism represents a belief that technological forces determine social and cultural changes’. ( JoAnne Yates/John Van Maanen, 2001, p.10) TD was introduced in the late 1960’s and theorists who were true believers of Technological Determinism seen technology as a basis of all human activity. They believe all societies are moulded from the technology, which surrounds them. They believe technology is an external force that has
Bibliography: Preston, Paschal - Reshaping Communications – SAGE Publications – Pg 109. Preston, Paschal - Reshaping Communications – SAGE Publications – Pg 112. Preston, Paschal - Reshaping Communications – SAGE Publications – Pg 112. Williams, Raymond – Towards 2000. London. Chatto & Windus. 1985 Yates, JoAnne/Van Maanen, John - Information Technology and Organizational Transformation – SAGE Publications – Pg 10. Webography Faint Doyle, Elizibeth – The Social Shaping of Technology - 1997 Dr. Steven Mizrach - 2000