Derosier (2011) evaluated the Social Skills Group Intervention-High Functioning Autism (S.SGRIN-HFA) which were designed to meet the social needs of students with Autism Disorder. The researcher wanted to test two groups to see which assist children with Autism Spectrum Disorder improve in their social interaction skills. Prior studies showed that the program had its advantages and disadvantages; it shortcoming and strength; as a result the writers decided to investigate the treatment program and its effectiveness in regards to social skills intervention.
They randomly selected 55 children who were diagnosed with ASD, and divided them into two groups; 27 children were observed within the treatment …show more content…
The parents were required to observe their behavior two weeks before and after the treatment and present the observation to the researchers. Hence they parents ensure that they collected the child’s social skills behavioral functioning by completing the necessary forms given to them. The final results from the study showed that there were no great difference between the treatment group and the control group in terms of the parent functioning. Not all the participants completed the study 5 were excluded from the parents analysis while, 3 were dropped out, hence these reports were excluded from the analysis. The researchers who set out to investigate the S.S.GRIN-HFA program with an effort to understand the effective of the program in the social skill areas of children with ASD found that the two groups; treatment group and the control group showed different