Defined by Preston (1955) cited in Kochhar (1998) Social Studies are the portions of History, Geography, Civics and other Social Sciences that are selected for use in teaching. According to this definition, Social Studies is seen as a subject that combines aspects from a number of the traditional and other subject areas which include inter-alia History, Geography, Civics, Anthropology, Archeology, Economics, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious and Sociology. According to Banks (1990), Social Studies is that part of the curriculum which has the primary responsibility for helping students to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to participate in the civic life of their local communities,
References: Aggrarwal,J. C. (2000). Teaching of Social Studies. Banks, J. A. (1990). Teaching Strategies for Social Studies Inquiring, Valuing And Decision Making Berk, L. E. (2003). Child Development. Chinoda, A. M. (1992). Social Studies. Kim Le, R. (2000). Environmental Education Process Active Learning in Schools. Kochhar, S. K. (1998). The Teaching of Social Studies. Michaelis, J. U. (1985). Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School. Morris, G. S. (1998). Early Childhood Today. O’donoghue, R. (1995). Environment and Methods. Tien, J. (1993). Education for Evironment: Critical Curriculum Theorizing and Environmental Education