Substance abuse is the use of a drug or other substance for a non-medical use, with the aim of producing some type of 'mind-altering ' effect in the user. This includes both the use of illegally produced substances, and the abuse of legal drugs, in a use for which the substance was not intended. Often this involves use of the substance in excessive quantities.
In the community of Malabar Arima, the abuse of various substances has been a problem amongst members of this community for years. As a result of this evident fact, the researcher saw a definite need to investigate the cause and effects of this problem aimed at creating a guide to addressing same.
Malabar is a residential district located in the Eastern Borough of Arima, prior to the development of both private and Government houses in the late 60’s. Malabar was a densely populated family oriented community. Today this community can boast of being one of the fastest developing communities in Arima, with the inclusion of four Government community housing phases and several private community housing, Malabar has grown from a predominantly east Indian community to one of mixed races.
This development have brought with it some negatives one of which gave rise to this project and has contributed to this once peaceful community developing a reputation as crime hot spot.
Substances such as cocaine, marijuana, alcohol and tobacco became a growing problem in this community, with the formation of drug blocks and several rum shops in prime areas of Malabar. Although most of the individuals who were involved in the high crime activities have passed away resulting from turf wars and police shoot outs, the problem of substance abuse continue to exists, manifesting itself in the late nights loitering and petty thefts to support their vices.
The abuse of illegal substances and other substances legally permitted by law, continue to be a problem in the community of Malabar. This has lead to the
Bibliography: 1. Modules in Social Studies by Rampersad Ramsawak and Ralph Umraw ----------------------- Question 3: What would you say is the most frequently used substance in the community? No. of Respondents Name of Substances Question 7: Which of the following would you say contribute to substance abuse in your community? Causes of Substance Abuse in Malabar Community Question 12: How has substance abuse affected you or someone you know? Effects of Substance Abuse Abuse No. of Respondents